Sunday, May 2, 2010

 A brain-eating monster  
(collect of mothers)
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What if you could look inside your head and see how old your brain really is? What would you learn?
Physicians can already see tau tangles and amyloid plaques, both critical ly important in early detection of brain aging. Tangles are the first abnormal proteins that appear in the brain, long , says Dr. Jorge R. Barrio, a professor of molecular and medical pharmacology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. These subtleties allow more insight into how the plaques and tangles spread and ultimately how Alzheimer's might develop, he says. But now Dr. Gary Small at UCLA is using a brain-scan technology, along with patient information on Alzheimer's disease risk, to help diagnose brain aging before these symptoms appear. He holds the UCLA Parlow-Solomon chair on aging and is a professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA. The study, published in the current issue of "Archives of General Psychiatry, says this might be a more accurate method for tracking brain aging. Dr. Small - author of several books, including "The Longevity Bible" - talked with me about the potential of the new technology. Read more:

The beverage world go round
Pepsi, Coca Cola, Snapple, Dr Pepper, Gatorade. Big beverage brands are household names, but while they may make up the lion’s share of revenues niche products are where the growth potential and innovation lies Read

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