Monday, April 11, 2011

 Proteins linked to the destruction of the beta-amyloid
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Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice have been eased by extra supplies of "heat shock" proteins, which re-fold or dispose of proteins implicated in the disease.
Tohru Mizushima of Kumamoto University, Japan, and his colleagues used mice bred to mimic symptoms of Alzheimer's. Half the mice were also engineered to make extra supplies of heat shock protein (HSP) 70 in their brains.
The HSP70-boosted mice were much better than the others at finding their way around mazes, and post-mortems showed their brains to be free of the characteristic beta-amyloid plaques that clog the brains of people with Alzheimer's.

That's because the boosted mice produced normal - rather than high - levels of the amyloid precursor proteins from which plaques are made. What's more, any plaques that did form were more readily removed.   Read more:

Selenium-enriched dairy shows colon protecting potential
Selenium-enriched dairy protein may produce changes in the expression of genes in the colon, and regulate the risk of developing cancer, suggests a new study from Australia. Read

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