Thursday, September 9, 2010

 Dietary fat and the risk of Alzheimer's disease
(eating a higher proportion of polyunsaturated to saturated fats)
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It has become clearer and clearer that diets high in saturated fat and trans fats are associated with health problems. There are hundreds of studies that link diets high in these types of fats with heart disease and stroke. What about dementia? There is a very well designed study that does a connection between Alzheimer's disease and an increased intake of saturated and trans fat.

Certainly in the last few years it has become easier for consumers to know exactly what to do about their diets. Back when I started 
eating healthy and changing my style of cooking all fats were bad. We now know that there is more to it than this simple statement and this research on Alzheimer's is a good example of how the type of fat and not the amount is the key factor in eating for good health.

You can make substantial changes in your risk of disease by eating less saturated fat and eliminating trans fats. Saturated fats are found in animal fats and eating leaner meats can help you control your intake. Often it is the saturated vegetable fats that are created through hydrogenation that are a major source of saturated fat in many people's diets. Hydrogenation also creates a high percentage of trans fats which is the other culprit in so many diseases.
 Read more:

Your mental ball game with these 10 foods

Just like the right diet can prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, or cancer, health experts are finding that certain foods may boost your mind. Read and
Get Energy Active!

Posted YVN (AMYLOID @ 

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