Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reduce Alzheimer’s risk 
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A landmark report on the global economic impact of dementia has revealed that Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are exacting a massive toll on the global economy, and will likely accelerate. The World Alzheimer Report 2010, issued on September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day, by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), provides the most current and comprehensive global picture of the economic and social costs of this illness. The worldwide costs of dementia will this year exceed 1% of global GDP. This means that if dementia care were a company, it would be the largest in the whole world, by annual revenue! The number of people with dementia will double by 2030 and more than triple by 2050.

The report quantifies the costs of medical care, community and residential care and informal unpaid care by families and friends, worldwide, and for all world regions. A recent study from the UK showed that the costs of dementia exceed those of cancer, heart disease and stroke combined. Investment in prevention research, treatment and care lags far behind what we spend on other illnesses — even though the economic impact of Alzheimer’s is far greater.

There is no vaccine or recipe against developing Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia associated with getting older. What we can do, though, is take some sensible steps to reduce our risk, because there are certainly lifestyle factors that can increase that risk and interventions we can make to cut it back. These steps are likely to benefit our health in other ways, besides!
However, there is no guaranteed method of avoiding this illness of our latter years, the causes of which are not yet known. As with many illnesses, genetics certainly come into the equation, and these we cannot control, and if this disease runs in your family, then you may have an elevated risk of developing it yourself But just because you do, does not mean you will necessarily be a sufferer too! We can’t do much about getting older, of course, it’s a fact of life, and dementia is a syndrome of older age. There are a few actions you CAN take however, which might help to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia. These relate to your lifestyle, from diet, to exercise, to something as simple as sustaining sociability and regularly drinking coffee! Read more:

Cinnamon helps to stop the formation of Alzheimer's
Degenerative mental diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia continue to ravish the lives of millions around the world. And to make matters worse, the financial burden of caring for dementia patients now tops one percent of the entire world's gross domestic product (GDP). But there are ways to help prevent and treat serious mental decline, including simply eating lots of cinnamon. Read
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Posted YVN (AMYLOID @ 

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