When memory loss becomes a concern
(things may slow down)
(things may slow down)
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As greater awareness grows about Alzheimer’s disease, fear of Alzheimer’s is second only to cancer, according to a study this summer conducted by the Harvard School of Health.
The concern is real, given that 5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s and one in eight Americans aged 65 and older have the incurable memory disorder.
So, when should you worry that you might have Alzheimer’s?
“That’s a tough one,” said Clinton Wright, scientific director of the McKnight Brain Institute at the University of Miami.
He cites a joke about the husband who goes to the grocery store after he’s given the order to buy some milk. He comes home and his wife asks, “Did you get the milk?” If his answer is that he simply forgot to buy the milk, and perhaps purchased other items, then this is probably not a problem. But if his response is, “What milk?” this could be a sign of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Not everyone diagnosed with MCI goes on to develop Alzheimer’s. However, those who do have MCI issues are at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s. Continue to read: miamiherald.com
Think twice about what you eat today
For decades, moms have expounded on the power of food. Carrots improve vision, spinach strengthens muscles, bread crust curls the straightest of hair. As we now know, much of what Mom told us was a ploy to get us to eat the things we hated most. But today we have science to back up at least some of those claims. Read more: rush.edu