Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fight feared Alzheimer's disease

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The Obama administration declared Alzheimer's "one of the most-feared health conditions" on Wednesday as it issued a draft of the nation's first strategy to fight the ominous rise in the mind-destroying disease. More than 5 million Americans already have Alzheimer's or similar dementias, a toll expected to reach up to 16 million by 2050, along with skyrocketing medical and nursing home bills, because the population is aging so rapidly.
The government's top goal: Find some effective ways to treat Alzheimer's by 2025. That is an ambitious quest. Today's treatments only temporarily ease symptoms. Scientists know that Alzheimer's brews for years before symptoms appear, but work to find better medications or at least stall the disease's emergence has been frustratingly slow.
Whether scientists can meet that deadline or not, the first draft of the National Alzheimer's Plan also makes clear that overwhelmed families need help right away to care for affected loved ones. Moreover, as many as half of today's Alzheimer's sufferers have not been formally diagnosed, and the draft in part blames stigma and misinformation.
Among the draft's planned steps:
-A major public awareness campaign to help people know the early warning signs of Alzheimer's and what to do.
-Educate doctors and other health workers about how to recognize Alzheimer's, what medications are available now that can help with the disease's symptoms, and what social services may help families to cope.
-Improve early detection, in part by determining the best cognitive screening to offer during Medicare's new annual wellness visit.
-Improve training of caregivers, so they know what resources are available and how to handle common behavior problems of dementia. Research shows that caregivers given such training are able to keep their loved ones at home for far longer.
-Study how to address the health needs of stressed and isolated caregivers. Continue to

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Probe on inhalable caffeine

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is to investigate the safety of an inhalable caffeine shot called AeroShot, which only hit US shelves last month. Read 

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