Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The brain can suffer from insulin resistance

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(   Insulin resistance in the brain precedes and contributes to cognitive decline )
Patients with Alzheimer's disease had a greater preference than normal controls for relatively high-fat, sweet foods and for high-sugar, low-fat foods, but did not significantly differ in preference for other foods, including those high in complex carbohydrates and protein. Vascular dementia patients showed a similar pattern, not significantly different from that for Alzheimer's patients.
Studies at UC Davis results did not consistently support a hypothesis that increased sweet preference is a nonspecific form of disinhibited behavior related to declining mental status. Also studies then did not consistently support a hypothesis relating sweet preference to serotonin activity within the brain.
Results then provided preliminary evidence that craving for sweet food may be a significant part of the clinical syndrome of dementia. But at that time further research was needed to delineate the psychological and biological mechanisms accounting for it. Now a new study shows that insulin acts differently in the brain than elsewhere. Continue to readexaminer.com

Read more here: http://www.bnd.com/2012/02/07/2047945/obama-to-seek-more-alzheimers.html#storylink=cpy

Red meat health warning

Isoflavones from soy may reduce the frequency of hot flashes by 21%, according to a meta-analysis of 17 clinical trials. Read morenutraingredients.com

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