Thursday, March 8, 2012

Prescribed drug can help from moderate to severe Alzheimer's

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(  aricept, also known as donepezil )
The study of Aricept also found some benefit if the patient switches to another frequently used drug, Namenda. But it found that combining the two drugs, a common strategy in the United States, was not significantly more effective than using Aricept alone. That last finding conflicts with an earlier study, and experts said it would probably not change what most doctors do in the United States. The overall study results generally provide statistical support for what most doctors recommend, said Dr. Ronald Petersen of the Mayo Clinic, a member of the Alzheimer's Association board of directors. He didn't participate in the research. Results showed that continuing on Aricept gave a modest benefit over taking no drug, while switching to Namenda, also called memantine, provided a lesser one. While an analysis found no evidence that combining the drugs gave a significant benefit over just continuing Aricept, it may have included too few patients to demonstrate a difference, said Dr. Robert Howard of the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, who led the research. Continue to

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Vitamin-D may reduce stress fracture risk in girls

Increased intakes of vitamin D may reduce the risk of stress fracture in adolescent girls, says a new study that adds to the potential health benefits of the sunshine vitamin. Read

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