Saturday, July 30, 2011

In the early stages of Alzheimer's disease
(new guidance)
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The British Medical Association (BMA) has issued new guidance for general practitioners called "Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - A Toolkit For General Practitioners". The BMA stresses that the guidelines apply to any professional who works in health care settings with vulnerable adults, even though it is primarily aimed at GPs.

The BMA was commissioned by the DoH (Department of Health) in England to produce the new document, because of "a lack of clarity in this increasingly complex area."

According to the new guidance, physicians have an obligation to protect vulnerable adults. It adds that there is now legislation that protects doctors who want to identify abusers, identify health care failures, or report other health professionals.

The guidance, also referred to as the toolkit, points out that protecting a vulnerable adult is different from child protection. A vulnerable adult may include a wide range of patients, from those who are unable to look after themselves at all, to others who may be going through a particularly difficult temporary period of disability or illness which undermines their ability to make decisions. Continue to

Calcium and vitamin-D for breakfast show weight management potential
Consuming high levels of vitamin D and calcium for breakfast may increase fat oxidation rates and energy burning during the course of the day, says a new study from Australia. Read

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