Monday, April 30, 2012

Alzheimer's disease symptoms, causes, and referrals

20 Things To Know About Alzheimer's Disease
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Your Alzheimer's donation will help billions live without it.

( trouble deciding whether your memory issues )

What Is the early onset of Alzheimer's disease? Or normal forgetfulness that comes with aging? Understanding these common symptoms may help you determine if you have cause for concern.
1. Forgetting names and faces
Who hasn't forgotten the name of a colleague or friend, espcially when making introductions? But if you find yourself drawing a blank on your spouse's name or your children's, seek help.
2. Misplacing items
If you occasionally find a familiar object in an unfamiliar place--a bracelet in the butter dish, for example--you can usually blame it on too many distractions. Do be concerned if you frequently find kitchen items in wildly inappropriate rooms, a frying pan in the sock drawer in your bedroom, for example.
3. Difficulty managing finances
Occasionally forgetting to pay your mortgage won't help your credit score, but it should not cause unnecessary alarm. But if you or a loved one is living far beyond your monthly means, or you are receiving notices of unpaid bills that used to be paid promptly, ask yourself why this is happening, and seek a medical opinion.
4. Forgetting how to use everyday objects
Jobs you previously peformed with ease, such as programming your television, may take longer on certain days. That shouldn't cause alarm. Stress, fatigue, and distractions can cause temporary forgetfulness. Forgetting how to use a simple object like the toaster is another matter. 
5. Getting lost in familiar neighborhoods
Don't berate yourself for taking the wrong exit off the freeway, that happens to everyone. Do be concerned if you are routinely getting lost in your own neighborhood, or forgetting to put gas in the car. Stop driving if you have any serious concerns about your driving ability.
6. Repeating yourself
Asking the same question over and over, forgetting the answer almost as soon as given, is a common symptom of Alzheimer's. But if friends tell you they've heard your jokes or stories before, you needn't be alarmed. That is common behavior that cuts across all age groups. Read

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Burn belly fat

You pull on your pants....and tug. If you've turned to elastic waistbands because you can't seem to reduce your belly fat,Dr. Mehmet Oz has a new solution: a combination of GLA supplements and beans.  What causes that "muffin top" misery? Dr. Oz links it to stress. You worry; you feel anxious...and your body creates stress hormones in response. The result of this frustrating cycle: your body retains that belly fat, storing it for future fuel needs. Read

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Possible Alzheimer's Vaccine

20 Things To Know About Alzheimer's Disease
Please Help Support Alzheimer's Research Today! 
Your Alzheimer's donation will help billions live without it.

(at pre-symptomatic stages)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly and is an incurable disease that affects more than five million people. Now intravenous human immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment is currently being explored for uses other than immunotherapy, including AD. Several studies are assessing the tolerability and efficacy of IVIG in Alzheimer’s patients. Recent studies by Dr. Giulio Maria Pasinetti, Saunders Family Chair and Professor in Neurology and Psychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, demonstrate that the diverse outcomes in AD studies of IVIG may be due to differences in temporal administration and administered doses.
The study found that prolonged administration of human immunoglobulin in models of AD, using a dose of immunoglobulin, 5-20x less than equivalent doses used in Alzheimer's disease patients, is effective at lessening Alzheimer's disease-type cognitive dysfunction while promoting synaptic plasticity. Continue to

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Chili pepper compound shows cholesterol busting potential

Capsaicinoids – the compounds that give chili peppers their ‘heat’ – may lower cholesterol levels and boost heart health, suggests new data from a study with hamsters. Read

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