Friday, April 6, 2012

Increased ApoE protein levels may promote Alzheimer's

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( distinct roles apoE protein in young vs. aging brains )
"By the year 2030, more than 60 million people worldwide will likely be diagnosed with Alzheimer's, but we are still grappling with the disease's underlying biological mechanisms," said Dr. Huang, an Alzheimer's expert at Gladstone, an independent and nonprofit biomedical-research organization. "However, with this research we've shed new light on these complex processes—and how we could modify these processes to fight this disease."
The molecular mechanisms behind Alzheimer's have long evaded scientists. Early studies found that different types, or variants, of the apoE gene—including apoE3 and apoE4—influence one's genetic risk for developing the disease. The apoE4 variant is the major genetic risk factor for the disease, while the apoE3 variant is less risky—and far more common. From among these variants, everyone inherits two—one from each parent—that provide a blueprint for making the protein known simply as apoE. Previous findings revealed a complicated interplay between apoE and another protein called amyloid-beta (Aβ), which is present in increased quantities in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, but the exact nature of this complex relationship remains unclear.. Continue to

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