Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Gene In Early-Onset Forms Of Alzheimer's

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( SORL1 )
A new gene that causes early-onset of Alzheimer's disease has been discovered by the research team of Dominique Campion at the Insert unit 1079 "Genetics of cancer and neuropsychiatric diseases" in Rouen. The research scientists showed that in the families of 5 of 14 patients suffering from the disease, mutations were detected on the gene SORL1. This gene regulates the production of a peptide involved in Alzheimer's disease. The results of this study have been published in the review Molecular Psychiatry

Precise genetic mutations have been seen to play a part in early-onset forms of Alzheimer's disease. However, there is a sub-population of patients in whom there is no mutation of these genes. So how can these patients, in whom there are no pre-established mutations, be suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's? 

To reply to this question, the research team working under the leadership of Dominique Campion and Didier Hannequin (Inserm unit 1079 and Centre national de référence malades Alzheimer jeunes, University hospital Rouen), studied the genes from 130 families suffering from early-onset forms of Alzheimer's disease. These families were identified by 23 French hospital teams within the framework of the "Alzheimer Plan". Of these families, 116 presented mutations on the already known genes. But in the 14 remaining families, there was no mutation at all observed on these genes. Continue to

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Coconut Oil and Alzheimer's

It's too early to know whether coconut oil plays a role in preventing dementia. A study that followed mid-life adults for 14 years found that those with highest scores for an overall healthy diet were 86 to 90 percent less likely to develop dementia in later adult life. Read

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