Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blood test to detect Alzheimer's

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( an impairment likely to progress )
Currently, biological tests to diagnose Alzheimer's use invasive and costly procedures including brain imaging and spinal punctures.

A team of researchers from the University of Newcastle in NSW believe they have developed a predictive blood test that is between 85 per cent and 90 per cent accurate. The researchers analysed blood samples from 566 people, some with Alzheimer's disease, some with mild cognitive impairment and other with normal cognition, from a large international database.

Senior researcher Pablo Moscato said the aim was to develop a blood test that was cheap, reliable, non-invasive and could detect the disease early. "The holy grail is to try and have a test that ... will not involve imaging, because when you see something with images it is perhaps too late," Prof Moscato told AAP.

He said the test could be used to screen the wider population, or when people presented to medical appointments with mild cognitive impairment. Continue to

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