Monday, November 7, 2011

Alzheimer's: ratio of vitamin B and omega 
(homocysteine levels and cognitive decline)
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Proper nutritional status, attained by consuming a healthy diet teamed with natural vitamins and minerals along with optimization of omega fat lipid ratios, can help to prevent cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. Researchers studying the effects of nutrition at Oxford University in England found that daily supplementation with folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 lowered levels of homocysteine, a known risk factor leading to decline in cognition and memory. Further evidence published in the journalMolecular Nutrition & Food Researchexplains that a disproportionate ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids plays a crucial role in the development of AD in later life. Cellular nutritional saturation from diet and appropriate supplementation with B vitamins and omega-3 fats may provide the cornerstone to prevent this most feared memory-robbing disease. Continue to

Vitamin-D status does not affect lung disease risk

Low levels of vitamin D levels are not related to the risk of acute deterioration in people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), according to new researchRead
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