High saturated fat and simple carbohydrate diet has effect on Alzheimer's risk
(the effect of diet)
(the effect of diet)
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Dietary patterns are very important in determining certain detrimental and advantageous effects on the body. This study reveals the biomarkers or indicators of cognitive impairment specifically Alzheimer’s disease. Authors conducted diet interventions and studied the comparative effects of high-saturated fat/high-simple carbohydrate (HIGH) diet versus low-saturated fat/low-simple carbohydrate (LOW) diet on cerebrospinal fluid present in our nervous system. The main findings of this study are that a high saturated-fat and simple-carbohydrate diet generates some disease-related processes in the brain that increase the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, low saturated-fat and low simple-carbohydrate diet contain a defensive mechanism against Alzheimer’s disease. Continue to read: fyiliving.com
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