Monday, October 25, 2010

What is Alzheimer's disease
(lasts for 6 to 20 years)
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First discovered in 1906, Alzheimer’sdisease, was known to be a debilitating and progressive brain disease. It was a newly recognized disorder first noted by a man with the name of Alois Alzheimer. It is the 7th leading cause of death today. Alzheimers disease was first put into medical publications in the year 1907.
Over 5 million Americans suffer from Azheimer’s disease which is fatal without a known cure. Also known as senile dementiaAlzheimers disease is most common in older adults and is the most notable type of dementia.
People who suffer from Alzheimer’s find that their thinking, memory, ability to process information and even their physical functioning is affected. Brain cells are compromised by the addition of amyloid plaques to the brain that cause the dysfunction and destruction. The majority of those who suffer from Alzheimer’s are older adults greater than 65 years. People who have an onset of symptoms before 65 are classified as early onset.
In recent research scientists have found that the memory affected first with Alzheimers disease is the memory of smells. This has led to innovative tests to determine if the condition exists in the earliest stages. Physicians test the smell memory of people through a scratch and sniff test, which indicates whether they’re able to identify smells they’ve known for years. Read more:
Oleuropein and cafeic acid may have myocardial antioxidant activity 
Olive oil, oleuropein and cafeic acid may enhance fat-oxidation and optimize cardiac energy metabolism in obesity, and improve oxidative stress in the heart, according to a new study on rats.  Read
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Posted YVN (AMYLOID @ 

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